At The Gate

At The Gate
I can see it all clearly now...

Monday, 28 February 2011

Good night sweet prince.

Lost Spike our liver Patterdale really suddenly yet with cancer of lymph system. He had actually seemed healthier over the last year as he had come off phenobarbitone and was not poorly up to last hour or so.
New dog, Jim arriving today at the Jamaica Inn. Sounds like something out of Treasure Island, which is very Cornish, pirates and all that.
On that line we may have hit on a whiskey galore solution to the economic crisis which would be close to the Cornish heart. John Lewis delivered me a washing machine and waved goodbye and set off for next delivery. They had come from Exeter, not the open avenues of Bristol and I swear they did not tell me they were going to Wadebridge and I did not give them directions. I learned later from Chris Daniel that Jack had towed out two lorries stuck in the lanes but did not put two and two together until talking to Jack himself when I found out that one was the John Lewis lorrry.
Using sat nav it had turned up the Lower Measham lane, cannot believe that they did not turn in Andrew Davy's yard as the lane is narrow from the start, mind you perhaps they never got that far. Jack phoned the depot and charged them and then pulled it out.

You know what I have in mind, don't you ? Plenty of us here have small vans etc which could follow, unseen up behind the lorries and off load selected goods while the driver is upfront negotiating with the helpful farmer. We need strategically placed delivery orders which will be likely to trigger sat-navs into suggesting using the narrow lanes. This is where may be the WI could co-ordinate.

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